Power Purchase Agreement

Fix Your Business’s Energy Costs

By adopting an Bandanna EnergyBandanna Saver Agreement (Bandanna Saver), your business has the opportunity to fix your business’s energy costs and protect yourself against future price spikes.

The Entirety Of The Cost Of The System is Funded for You

We achieve the above by originating theBandanna Saver for our finance partners to install a commercial size solar system on your business premises. However the key difference is that our finance partners will fund the entirety of the cost of the system, hence we own the system and we maintain the system. Never at any point in time does the property owner or business owner incur any cost for the commercial solar system whatsoever.

We then facilitate the supply the electricity that is generated from the solar system directly to the business, which the business purchases just like they are currently purchasing electricity now from the street. The main difference is that we charge one flat rate which is significantly less than your existing day time peak power.

Our rate is CPI indexed for the life of theBandanna Saver, which means that we cannot impose significant price spikes out of the blue.

The end result is that you are now purchasing your day time electricity from the commercial solar system, which significantly reduces the amount of peak and shoulder electricity that you need to purchase from your electricity retailer.

We also provide provisions in the PPA, for you to purchase the commercial solar system at any point in the future at a discount to the price of the commercial solar system if you bought it on day one. Therefore, this is the ultimate try before you buy clause – you receive cheaper electricity throughout the PPA and get the benefit of seeing a commercial solar system operating, when the system does everything that we say it will, we won’t prevent you from buying the system if that is what you want. There is never any obligation of you to do this though.

In summary, the following benefits should be highlighted that the offer provides:

  • Savings on Day 1
  • No capital spend on your behalf
  • Future certainty as to your electricity purchase price
  • Advertise your business as one that is adopting renewable practices
  • Potentially a try before you buy approach